245 entries.
I agree to uphold these values & principles.
I agree to uphold these values and principles.
Muy de acuerdo con los valores de un AC, me comprometo a aprender y llevarlo a la practica.
Respetar y compasión son esenciales en cualquier relación. Camino a tu lado y te sostengo. Hermoso!
I shall uphold the oath and serve as a coach in the truest form
I agree to uphlod this oath. Willing to transit these rational postures on my career.
I agree to uphold this oath
An excellent overview of a difficult but rewarding pursuit.
I agree to uphold these values & principles.
I fully agree and commit to these values.
Completamente identificado
I complete agree and sign it
I agree to uphold these values and principles.
Firmo mi compromiso como Agile Coach, en el respeto y cumplimiento de estos valores.
I sign this oath
Well said.
100% IN.
As an accredited ICF PCC I have signed up to one of the highest standards and this I fully support in the Agile Coaching profession.
This is fantastic!
Me comprometo, firmado.
Trata a los demás como te gustaría que te traten a ti, valora lo bueno que tiene cada ser hoy y siempre.
I'm in!
I am signing and affirming to manitain these values and serve my fellow team members to the best of my abilities and understanding.
Firmado. Me comprometo con estos valores. Signed! I'm commited to these values.
I'm commited to the Oath, is very helpful
Afirmo mi compromiso con las bases éticas y los valores. Acompañando y ayudando en la transformación y la construcción personal y profesional como proceso para alcanzar los objetivos.
I sign📝 and affirm my commitment to the ethical bases and competencies of this values , understanding that for transformation, values focused on personal and professional construction are needed that go hand in hand with the global awareness of a process to achieve the objectives. Above all, collaboration aligned with professional and human coherence through experience is essential.
Signed! I'm commited to these values and learning every single day
I think that having arrived here was something that would happen sooner or later and I am very glad that this has already happened. I sign
I decided to be a servant leader long ago, this oath adds clarity to what it means. Thank you!
I pledge my allegiance to the Agile Coach Oath. First and foremost, though shalt do no harm ✌️
Love this!
I agree, I think the oath is excellent and I promise to constantly prepare myself to help my coachees correctly. I am committed to the success of my clients and to be a servant leader
I complete agree and sign it
Assinado e comprometido com esses valores.
Signed and committed to these values.
I agree. Signed and committed to these values.
Eu concordo e me comprometo a seguí-lo.
Love this - I'm aligned and committed too!
Signed. As a member of ICF I have signed already highest ethical standards and the oath here adds value to it. If you want it, here is my German translation:
"Als Ihr Agile-Coach verspreche ich:
Ich werde von Ihren Zielen angetrieben. Ihr Erfolg ist mein Erfolg.
Ich bin Ihr Gast. Ich biete meine Coaching-Leistungen nur auf Nachfrage an.
Ich teile mein Wissen. Ich teile gerne mein Wissen für diejenigen, die mir folgen sollen.
Ich respektiere Gelerntes. Ich werde das bisherige Lernen derer, die vor mir kamen, respektieren, ebenso wie das Lernen, das nach mir kommen wird.
Ich weiß nicht alles. Ich werde mich nicht schämen zu sagen: "Ich habe keine Ahnung", und ich werde anbieten: "Lass mich mehr herausfinden oder finde jemand anderen, der dir hilft."
Ich biete Mitgefühl an. Ich werde mich in Umgebungen begeben, geloben, sie zu heilen, wo ich kann, und Mitgefühl anbieten, wo es am meisten gebraucht wird.
Ich suche ein Gleichgewicht zwischen an die Hand nehmen und loslassen. Ich werde alle Maßnahmen anwenden, die erforderlich sind, um denen zu helfen, die in Not sind, und dabei die Doppelfalle von Überfürsorge und Aufgeben vermeiden.
Ich lege Wert auf Diskretion. Ich werde die Privatsphäre der Organisationen, denen ich helfe, der Teams und der Personen in den Teams respektieren.
Ich helfe Menschen. Ich helfe nicht, ein Burndown-Chart zu verbessern oder die Team-Velocity in die Höhe zu treiben. Stattdessen helfe ich einem leidenden Team und/oder einer Organisation, deren aktueller Zustand die Familie und die wirtschaftliche Stabilität einer Person beeinträchtigen kann.
Ich verhindere Dysfunktion. Ich suche, wo immer möglich, nach den Ursachen.
Ich diene anderen. Ich bin ein Servant Leader. Meine Verpflichtung ist es, Einzelpersonen, Teams, Organisationen und der Gemeinschaft zu dienen.
Möge ich diesen Eid nicht verletzen, möge ich lange die Freude erleben, diejenigen zu coachen, die meine Hilfe suchen.
I have continued to seek out solutions that address the common gaps in Agile transformations. I am passionate and committed to these values. I promise to focus on empowering others including other Agile leaders, coaches, and teams in tangible ways.
I agree, am aligned, committed, and signed
Thank you! Signing this in the spirit of continuous improvement as a coach and a human being. Happy to have been inspired by my friend Brian O'Fallon!
This is a beautiful thing. Thank you for sharing.
I support this
Start with a shared understanding of your role 🙂
Thank you for crafting and sharing this.
I agree, am aligned, committed, and signed. Cheers!
This I will honor as I love to learn, love to share, and live to serve. Thank you for this! -Ken 😉
Fantastic initiative. Aligned and signed!
If you don't mind, I will publish it in my website in Spanish:
- Me impulsan tus objetivos. Tu éxito es mi éxito.
- Soy tu invitado. Sólo ofreceré mis servicios de coaching si soy invitado a ello.
- Comparto el conocimiento. Con gusto compartiré mi conocimiento para aquellos que me sigan.
- Respeto el aprendizaje. Respetaré los aprendizajes previos de aquellos que vinieron antes que yo, así como los aprendizajes que vendrán después de mí.
- No lo sé todo. No me avergonzaré de decir "no tengo ni idea", y ofreceré "déjame averiguar más o encontrar a alguien más para ayudarte".
- Ofrezco compasión. Entraré en los sitios, juraré curarlos donde pueda, y ofreceré compasión donde sea más necesario.
- Busco un equilibrio entre agarrar y soltar. Aplicaré todas las medidas necesarias para ayudar a los necesitados, evitando las dobles trampas de sobrealimentación y abandono.
- Valoro la discreción. Respetaré la privacidad de las organizaciones a las que ayudo, los equipos y los individuos de los equipos.
- Ayudo a la gente. No ayudo a mejorar un gráfico de trabajo pendiente o el pico de velocidad del equipo. En cambio, ayudo a un equipo u organización que sufre y cuyo estado actual puede afectar a la familia y a la estabilidad económica de una persona.
- Prevengo la disfunción. Siempre que sea posible, busco las causas de raíz.
- Sirvo a los demás. Soy un líder servicial. Mis obligaciones son servir a los individuos, equipos, organizaciones y a la comunidad.
- Si no violo este juramento, puedo experimentar por mucho tiempo la alegría de ser coach de aquellos que buscan mi ayuda.
Love this!
yo firmo, afirmo y practico
I sign!
Great oath - I support
All in
In honor of Jared, who was one of the kindest Agilists I ever met and to Catherine a warm-hearted coach, I am honored to sign this oath as a means of holding myself accountable to what is important.
great initiative , i’m in
I accept the Oath
I am in
I pledge this oath and will serve the community with compassion.
Will be the light or the mirror that will reflect it!
I am fully in
I accept the pledge with pleasure and honour to maintain it with my athletes and their teams.
I pledge this oath as my North Star
Great initiative. I am in.
All in
I sign this with the pledge to be more mindful of my responsibility as a coach and to live by the principles set forth in the oath.
Brian Hart
Let's do it! So aligned
What a wonderful initiative ! I'm in 🙂
I am in! Love this 🙂
I support The Oath, do No Harm, Leave things better than you found them.
I am in. Good initiative!
I model learning by showing coachees that I too am on a journey.
I pledge to follow the spirit and letter of the oath, doing credit to the Agile Coaching community through continuous improvement.
I'm in.
I am 100% in!
I sign this oath and add “ I will not push any particular framework, will work towards maximising the purpose “
I'm in!!
I'm in and pledge to live up to the true qualities and values of an Agile coach.
I'm all in. Good stuff.
I’m in! Signed, and pledge to do my best
My motto is make it better. I fully support this oath which supports my motto.
Inspiring. I pledge to honour this oath and to constantly learn to improve how I shall be a Servant Leader to the people around me!
Love it! Sign me up, Scotty!
I pledge to be with the values defined here
Oath, mate. Oath.
As a fellow Human than solely being an Agile Coach and most importantly "An Avid Learner, Explorer & Helper" - I adhere to these listed and additional core values, ethics therefore graciously Sign this petition!
I sign this oath and pledge to try my best -> fail -> learn -> improve -> repeat
As life coach and agile coach, I agree!
Agree and sign.
Signed the oath, I am all in.
Fully supportive. I'm in!
"El conocimiento es el único bien que crece cuanto más se comparte"
Hand on heart, I pledge to this oath.
Lets make human sense common. In.
I'll be fully committed to this oath
Fully agree.
I pledge this oath as it is a wonderfully worded reflection of everything I have always held dear.
Great Initiative. An oath is about honesty, integrity and accountability! I am in.
With a growth mindset and a belief in that sharing is caring I challenge status quo and get energized when individuals and organizations embrace change and grow to utilize the potential within.
We all stand on the shoulders of giants. (~Goldratt)
And our small shoulders are ready for those coming after us.
Wonderful points, and consider myself signed!
Pledge is excellent. Reminds us as a coach what we should and should not do
I will asipre, but as a mere human I am aware I will fail. Then i will learn and improve...until next time.
I’m in 100%
These are words to live by.
I'm in!
Super awesome oath principles!
In front of my peers and in my role as a servant leader I pledge to this oath and it’s underpinning values!
I give my oath to commit to this oath and to never compromise my personal values. Fortitudo et Integritas.
I'm in. Also, I often say that I help people, not resources. It's strange how we got to a place where we need to remind people that people are not resources, like money, tools, or other objects.
Great, I’m in at 100%
Agile Coach for 20 years. Every one of them guided by just such an oath. Now formalized.
Great points, always believed and followed these. If I may add few, I will add the following.
I will be honest at all times. Even if you may not like what I say or do, I will still do whatever it takes to improve my coachee / team.
I will not show off my knowledge. I may at times be silent even if I know the solution, if that is required for my team to improve.
There are more, but these two are important in my view.
Hand on heart, I pledge to this oath.
Wholeheartedly agree and honor this oath. Let's advance our craft in the spirit of servant leadership.
Hand on heart, I pledge to this oath.
Being an Agile couch is a huge responsibility and having a code of ethics is first and fore most a neccessity
I am in.
Absolutely what we need. I'm all in.
I am in
I'm in 🙂
I am all in 100 %. I like that - "I am a servant leader" statement is written on this list because without it, I feel that other statements will easily be watered down to fit any scenario that will defeat the purpose of this oath. Overall, I think this is a great artifact to always come back to within the Agile community.
As an Agilest Reacher Not Preacher, I am pleased to endorse this oath.
I am honored to join the ranks of those who have come before me, and openly sign the Coach's Oath. These 11 principles resonate so very strongly, and reflect the approach I hope I bring to leading a team of coaches too.
Hey this is Martin from Malaysia, I am gratefully sign this Agile Coach Oath and agree to comply with all the code of ethics!
I'm in. My vision is always supporting organizations to reach their goals. Just like Tenzing Nourgay when he become Sherpa for Edmund Hilary reaching Mount Everest.
Happy to sign, support, and spread the good word.
I am in..
Wonderful set of principles. Sign with glee!
I’m in... gladly signed
I sign this oath, committing to service as an Agile Coach
Totally agree with the Agile coach oath and share the values expressed in the oath.
Thanks for putting this thing together
Great initiative.
live the oath
This is great that we have an oath for Agile coaches and it makes the role of Agile coaching more serious and honourable.
I sign this oath wholehearted in the service of others.
I sign the oath and will hold myself to the oath.
I’m in.
I promise to be professional and serving my charges above all.
I gladly sign this identifying the 8 facets of my role as an Agile Coach has the need that when I am coaching I will adhere to first doing no harm
I’m in
I sign the oath which 100% reflects my intention as Agile Coach and Scrum Master
I sign the oath with joy and I pledge to hold myself to the oath.
Thank you for creating space for this; I have come to appreciate transparency, humility, and kindness in others, and seek to model those things myself.
Un honor ser Líder Servicial a beneficio de Individuos con deseo de crecer y ser mejores sumando conocimientos y experiencias por un Mundo mejor
Prometo....Divulgar..... y continuar.....colaborando.......
it is a responsibility and at the same time honor to serve and achieve goals together
Es una gran responsabilidad ayudar a los equipos a lograr los objetivos, pero sobretodo llevarlos en el camino adecuado para lograr sus objetivos que en cierto momento se convertirán en los míos
Excelente. Divulgarei e seguirei.
Me comprometo a seguir ayudando a personas, equipos, comunidades, organizaciones , en conseguir sus objetivos, sus metas.
Gracias por el apoyo!
Sere un lider servicial
Perfeito. Seguirei.
Me comprometo a ayudar a las personas con mi conocimiento, siempre buscando ser un buen líder.
something like "I will work myself out of a job" is always a good reflection. I've seen too many agile consultants work to install themselves in a company!
me comprometo completamente a seguir estas pautas; juro seguirlas y cumplirlas.
I will a service leader and help the people
I'm agree with the Agile Coach Oath, I firmly believe what is written in the oath. I am helpful, responsible and highly understand my clients.
I completely agree with the oath, i believe that in my professional career and in my personal life, it´s too important to understand the value to stand by people no matter the circunstances.
I sign the commitment , regarding to Agile Coach and I will service leader, supporting to all people.
Apoyo y acepto este compromiso.
Servir a los demás!!
He firmado juramento ágil entrenador!. Comprometida a ser una LíderServicial que inspira
Firmo mi compromiso de servicio a los demás
I signed agile coach oath!
I love Agile! I agree with everything you wrote.
Is my pleasure to provide service.
I agree with this oath.
Dispuesto a ser un Líder Servicial
I love this oath. I feel connected totally. I love my role as Agile Coach.
the Agile Coach Oath!! Apoyo y acepto el Juramento!!!
I agree. The time for the people arrived and for them we are the coaches.
I completely agree.
I Agree, I'm In. I'm a servant Leader
I vow to carry out, according to my ability, the agile coach oath
I agree and share the values expressed with this oath
Estoy de acuerdo.
I love the Coaches' Oath, and particularly like the emphasis on helping people. I am in!
Yes! agree!
Ahh, yes! Compassion, helping, balance, respect!! Thank you.
Thank you for your commitment. I happily sign this oath. I´m in.
Honor, Respect, Devotion to Duty, Servant Leadership- Semper Paratus!
In Memory of Jared Richardson, I take the Agile Coaches' Oath!
I agree and sign
I agree and share the values expressed with this oath. I'm in!
Very healthy habits compass, i sign!
Respect, openness, creative servant leadership
Challenging, inspirational. I'm in!
I recently wrote a blog sharing my thoughts about the oath. I honestly think it's a great start but that we need to do a lot better. Here's the URL: http://www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com/agilecoachesoath/ . Happy to discuss this with you further.
I agree with this!
I Agree
An idea whose time has come.
I couldn't agree more.
All coaches should abide by this. I support this initiative and will promote in my all sessions.
This is a fantastic effort! I just discovered it. Yet, the CECs and I created a similar code back in January. I guess it was serendipitous. Great minds and all that... 🙂
Peace and blessings.
Great to be part of such a special group.
This is a wonderful ethical stance. It's fundamentally about "The right thing at the right time for the right reason, even if no one is watching." I am honored to sign this oath.
Nice...and I will share - now how else can we make this known more broadly?
Wow, this is beautiful and I'm IN!
I'm in!
First, do no harm. This is beautiful!
Thanks very much for putting this out there. This is a wonderful Oath that we can all rally around and share with others.
I wholeheartedly support this Oath--each and every line.
I agree with this oath. Well said.
What a great oath to live by! Honored to be able to sign this.
I fully support the ideals enumerated in this oath.
With thanks to Catherine and warm memories of Jared, I'm honored to sign this oath. I will work hard to keep the principles forefront in my coaching journey.
I especially love the "I help people" line.
Well said, simple yet elegant! I support the Agile Coaches' Oath.
An excellent effort, and I'll be delighted to join the pledge. I suggeest it might be improved slightly by reminding ourselves "why" we coach in the first place. It's not just about the team. It's actually about the impact that the team has on its customers and their world. Put succintly, it's about delight for customers and joy in work. In keeping with the style of the Oath, perhaps something like: "I believe in starting with why: customer delight and joyful work matter most."
This is a wonderful reminder of why we are here, what we should be doing, and who we should be serving.
Nicely done! So simple, yet so powerful! Thank you for taking the time to do this. I hereby sign the Agile Coaches' Oath. 🙂
Love it!
Beautifully written...especially love this: "I am a Servant Leader. My obligations are to serve individuals, teams, organizations, and the community."
Beautiful and Eloquent. An oath to aspire and inspire constant, sustainable, and ethical growth in coaching practice. Kudos!
Nuestra misión: Servir
I love how it's patterned so clearly off of the Hippocratic oath. It walks the talk of respecting prior learnings!
Very well done! What an awesome responsibility we have as coaches.
Love the humility and "I help people" emphasis!
I support the oath.
Wonderful expression of the best an Agile Coach should be, I'll grow into this everyday!
We help people, not charts 🙂
"First, do no harm." Such a simple phrase that carries profound responsibility.
This is what I'm trying to do every single day! Thanks for sharing it
I support the Agile Coach Oath!!
Apoyo y acepto el Juramento!!!
Ser un Líder servicial para compartir el conocimiento. Apoyo al juramento!
Loyalty, truth, deliver value!
- ¡Lealtad, confianza, entregar valor!
Respect the journey
¡Firmado y aceptado!, I support the agile coach oath
I signed agile coach oath!
Focus. #deliver
Coach is a servant leader. Well done!
I support the oath!
Support the idea of a coaches oath!